A poet, writer and photographer, Lisa Kamolnick’s work explores human nature, the human condition, the natural world, and what lies between and beyond. 

Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Black Moon Magazine; The Closed Eye Open; HeartWood Literary Magazine (Heartwood Poetry Prize semi-finalist); Women Speak, Vol. 7SMEOP (HOT), Sandcutters 2023, Tennessee Voices; and others. Her poem [un]mask[ed] received a Best of the Net nomination.

Lisa’s photography has appeared or is forthcoming in Black Moon Magazine, The Closed Eye Open, Wild Roof Journal and other venues. Some of her photographic work may be purchased on Fine Art America.

She currently serves as President for Poetry Society of Tennessee and is also a member of Lost State Writers Guild and Florida State Poets Association. 

You can follow Lisa on social media, where she sporadically posts poetry news, photography, and random thoughts: @lisakamolnick (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram).